The OSC publications are available on the following publishing platforms:
The online journal of the OSC publishes selected and revised articles coming from the annual call for contributions issued by the Observatory. Occasionally, it also includes some of the analyses produced by its team of stable members or by the experts who take part in the organized events, as well as those generated by the activities of the Academic Innovation Group established within the ICCS (University of Barcelona, Degree in Sociology & Master in Sociological Research).
Published issues:
Clivatge #10 (2022):
Editors: María T. Bretones (UB), Jordi Bonet-Martí (UB), Clara Camps Calvet (UB) & Joan Quesada (UB)
Popular sovereignties in the 21st century: new wine in old wineskins, Mario Zubiaga Garate & Gemma Ubasart
Monographic: Movements and (post)national conflicts in the 21st century
The ecoalternative movement and the networks of governance in Guipuzkoa (Basque Country): The emergence of a new model, Iñaki Bárcena Hinojal, Andere Ormazabal Gastón & Josu Larrinaga Arza
Why introduce the intersectional perspective in the theoretical debate on intercultural citizenship?, Mariona Lladonosa & Özgür Güneş Öztürk Okumuş
Sovereignty and de-democratization in contemporary State: an analysis of the economic governance in the European Union, Jon Azkune Torres
New formulae to solve territorial conflicts of sovereignty. A legal framework for the right to decide, Amalur Alvarez
A pre-Westphalian model of confederal sovereignty: the Basque “Political Agreement”, Mario Zubiaga Garate
Republic vs. Nation: revindicative dialectics of catalan independentism post 1-O, Jaume López Hernández
Opening parliament: the way to (re)connect democracy and sovereignty, Zelai Nikolas Ezkurdia
Homonationalistic values? A proposal for the dimensionalization of a specific measuring instrument, León Freude
Radiography of a transgressive contest. Notes for the study of the protests in Peru, Iván Nicolás Montes Pastor
Industrialized labour and social praxis: the republican-democratic imprint on Marx's critique of Political Economy, Edgar Manjarín
Book Reviews and Studies:
Casassas, D. (2018/2022). Llibertat incondicional. La renda bàsica en la revolució democràtica. Tigre de Paper, 270 pp., by Jaume Montés Mora
Tamames, J. (2021). La brecha y los cauces. El momento populista en España y en Estados Unidos, Lengua de Trapo, 328 pp., by Mario Ríos Fernández
Clivatge #9 (2021):
Editors: María T. Bretones (UB), Clara Camps (UB) & Jordi Bonet (UB)
1. "El golpe de Estado en los discursos de Salvador Allende", by Daniel Michaud Maturana & Juan De Antonio Carmona
2. "Voices, emotions, and political practice. Narratives of the participants in the demonstrations against police violence that occurred in June 2020 in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico", by Oscar Ramón López Carrillo
3. "Prison memory at the service of the Shining Path's new politics without arms (2000-2020)", by Miriam-Encarnación Pinedo
4. "Assymetric warfare as a jihadist approach. The Paris attacks of 13 November, 2015", by Genís Plana Joya
5. "The conditions of inequality, pandemic and resistance in the indigenous communities of Oaxaca, Mexico", by Eduardo Carlos Bautista Martínez & Ivan Israel Juárez López
6. "Covid19, public intervention and redistributive preferences: a descriptive analysis of the Spanish case", by Mario Ríos Fernández & Félix Valle Moreno
7. "Mapping the pandemic in prisons. The human rights situation of people detained in prison in Córdoba, Argentina", by Laura Judith Sanchez & Angélica Rossana Gauna
8. "Between petroleum and the environment: The environmental struggle by the Yariguíes Regional Corporation -GEAM in Barrancabermeja, Colombia", by Jesús Andrés Pinzón Guevara
9. "By virtue of the neighbourhood. Voluntary youth at the ‘Y’ and their collective actions in Medellin’s Commune 13", by Daniela Franco Pedraza
10. "Intergenerational conflicts in agroindustrial contexts. Rural youth in the face of monoculture and aerial fumigations in Mexico", by David Sánchez Sánchez
Book Reviews and Studies:
11. "Review of Mari Luz Esteban (ed.) (2021). Tejiendo comunidades desde iniciativas populares/ Komunitateak ehunduz herri ekimenetatik. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea Argitalpen Zerbitzua", by Marta Barba Gassó
Clivatge #8 (2020):
The Neoliberal Advance
Editors: María T. Bretones (UB), Clara Camps (UB) & Joan Quesada (UB)
1. "Global crisis, new role of the State and possible post-Covid-19 scenarios", by Jaime Pastor
2. "Permanent State of Exception in the Southern Periphery of Europe", by Ignasi Bernat
3. "An Exploratory Study of the Role and Identity of Alternative Media in Hong Kong: The Cases of Radical HK and WK News", by Marta Soler Alemany
4. "Re-municipalisation of Water in the Frameword of Re-definition of Democracy. The case of the Catalan City of Terrassa", by Edurne Bagué
5. "Neoliberal Crisis, Policies of Confusion, and Populist Authoritarianism", by Gonçal Mayos
6. "The Crime of Terrorism in the Spanish State: A Crucial Weapon in present Lawfare", by Carme Vivancos Sánchez
7. "Peoples, Free Self-Determination and Juridical Pluralism. A Critical Socio-Juridical Approach to the Cases of Puelmapu and the Principality of Catalonia", by Dino Di Nella & Victoria Ibañez
Clivatge #7 (2019):
Migrations and Other Issues of Current Public Discourse
Editors: María T. Bretones (UB), Joan Quesada (UB) & Sandra Vera
"Some alarming signs in the treatement of migrations, the use of discourse and the resource to lies", by María Trinidad Bretones
1. "Mexico’s migration policy towards Central America and US pressure", by José Hernández Suárez
2. "A study of the Colombian-Venezuelan migration flows: inequality, prejudice and vulnerability", by Esther Pineda G. & Keymer Ávila
3. "Conflicts in the African Great Lakes’ Region. Their impact on the migration movements in Rwanda (1959-2017)", by Firmin Dusabe
4. "Nation, people and independence: nacionalism as a problem in Catalonia", by Edgar Straehle
5. "Social conflictiveness in a local scale. An exercise of statistical weighting of rebellious events in present-day Mar del Plata (Argentina, 2011-2016)", by Agustión Nieto & SISMOS
New Processes:
Media Coverage of Colombia's Peace Settlement at the Beginning of Iván Duque's Rule. Between Pessimism and Negativity, by Carlos Charry Joya, Diego García Ramírez & Germán Ortiz Leiva
Book Reviews and Studies:
"Posverdad. La nueva guerra contra la verdad y cómo combatirla. Mattew d’Ancona, Alianza Editorial, 2019", by Sebastià Vives
"El cuento de las pensiones. Miren Etxezarreta y José Iglesias, Icaria, 2019", by Melania Ferreira
Clivatge #6 (2018):
Editors: María T. Bretones (UB) & Joan Quesada (UB)
"To think about conflict, change and some aspect of chaos", by María Trinidad Bretones
1. "Alternative Currencies and Democratic Conflict: Some Reflections", by Albert Medina Català & Bernat Aritz Monge Nunes
2. "A Geography of Power: Transnacional Mining in Peru and Argentina", by Philippe Dautrey
3. "Strikes. A Comparative Study of Spain and Argentina", by Joaquim Juan Albalate
4. "From the «Death of God» to the «revenge of God»: politics, culture, terrorism…", by Gonçal Mayos
5. "B-MINCOME Project", by Guadalupe Lucas Martín
Book Reviews and Studies:
"El Comité Invisible (2007). La insurrección que viene. Edición en castellano, 2009. Editorial Melusina", by Nadal Perales Oliver
"Tres Visiones sobre los Movimientos Globales de Población y su encaje en las 'Sociedades de Acogida'", by Carlos Zeller
"Luis Roca Jusmet: Ejercicios espirituales para materialistas. El diálogo (im) posible entre Pierre Hadot y Michel Foucault. Barcelona: Terra Ignota, 2017", by Jordi Riba
Novedad Editorial: "Ciudadanías conectadas. Sociedades en conflicto. Investigaciones sobre medios de comunicación, redes sociales y opinión pública"
Clivatge #5 (2017):
Spaces of Social Exclusion. Monographic
Editors: María T. Bretones (UB)
Collaborators: Cristina López (UB), Arlinda García (UB) and Joan Quesada (UB)
"Maps for Orientation in the Social Space", by María Trinidad Bretones
1. "Social Risk Map of Zaragoza. An Alternative View to Urban Developmental Analysis of Urban Vulnerability", by Jorge León & Goyo García-Carpintero
2. "Modernity and Posmodernity of Social Inclusion. Acting on the Exclusion or Promoting the Autonomy of the Excluded", by Julia Urabayen & Felipe Schwember
3. "Migrations, Integration Models and Risk. Immigration, a Social Risk?", by Enrique Uldemolins
4. "Social Determinants and the Geography of Health. An Approach to the Case of the City of Madrid", by Rafael R. Temes-Cordovez
5. "Participatory Centers and Urban Commons in Zaragoza's Cultural Policy Centres", by David Senabre & Jonas Holst Holst
6. "Urban Rehabilitation Areas in Zaragoza: Notion, Correspondence to Planning Legislation and Selection Criteria", by Ana Ruíz & Pilar Alfaro
7. "Social-Urban Capital and Methodology of Qualitative Analysis", by Gustavo García-Bueno
8. "Assessing Subjective Perspectives on Neighbourhoods as a Complementary Method for Qualitative Calculus of Social Risk: the case of MRSZ in Zaragoza", by Carlos Cámara & Daniel Sorando
9. "The Effects of the Economic Crisis on Dispersed Urban Planning in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region", by Cristina López, Arlinda García, María Trinidad Bretones & Montse Crespi
10. "Journalism in the Age of Inequality", by Carlos Zeller
11. "An Anthology of Life Narratives of the “Excluded”: the Paradigmatic Case of Construction Workers", by Xavier García-Curado
12. "Enhancing Democracy through Economic and Urban Inclusion: the Case of “Independent Community Platforms” Governing Biscay", by Miriam Ureta-García
Book Reviews and Studies:
"Asymmetry of Information and Public Defenselessness against Power", by Carlos Zeller
"Migración Haitiana hacia el Sur Andino. Rojas Pedemonte, Nicolás y Koechlin, José (2017)", by Andrea Espinoza
"The City as the Epicenter of Conflict and Social Change", by Carlos Zeller
Clivatge #4 (2016):
Signs of Social Transformation and Conflicting Symptoms
Editors: María T. Bretones (UB), Jaime Pastor (UNED), Joan Quesada (UB) & Nicolás Rojas-Pedemonte (UAH, Chile)
"Introduction", by María Trinidad Bretones & Joan Quesada
1. "A Genealogy of Globalization", by Gonçal Mayos
2. "Democracy, Sovereignty and Populism in the European Union: the Emergence of a Scottish Nationalist Left", by Jon Azkune
3. "Participation, Organization and Actions of the Colombian peasantry: the Experience of ANZORC", by Carolina Cruz Galvis & Daniela González Socha
4. "The ethos of movements for the quality of common life in Spain, USA, Turkey and Brazil", by Júlio Aurélio Vianna Lopes
5. "Communication, between Democratization and Dedemocratization of Society", by Carlos Zeller Orellana
6. "Social Networks and Social Capital: of Quality of Life Indicators in a Demobilized Population (Colombia, Peace Process)", by Carmen Molinares & Camilo Madariaga Orozco
Book Reviews and Studies:
"La utopía de las normas. De la tecnología, la estupidez y los sercretos placeres de la burocracia [The Utopia of Norms. On Technology, Stupidity and the Secrets Pleasures of Bureaucracy]. David Graeber", by Edgar Straehle
"Conflictividad y crisis. España 2008-2013 [Conflict and Crisis. Spain 2008-13]. Jose Daniel Lacalle", by Albert Ferrer Sánchez
" 'Spectral Images of Global Capitalism: From Casa Antilla to the Bombay Slums'. Espectros del capitalismo [Capitalism: A Ghost Story]. Arundhati Roy", by Carlos Zeller Orellana
Clivatge #3 (2015):
Social Inequality, Abuse of Power and Change Processes
Editors: Teresa Bladé, María T. Bretones (UB), Jaime Pastor (UNED), Joan Quesada (UB) & Nicolás Rojas-Pedemonte (UAH, Chile)
"Introduction", by María Trinidad Bretones, Jaime Pastor & Nicolás Rojas-Pedemonte
1. "Some notes and data for the analysis of social inequality in the context of the current economic crisis", by Teresa Bladé, María Trinidad Bretones, Nicolás Rojas-Pedemonte & Eduardo Rueda
2. "Sociodicy", by Salvador Giner
3. "The Reviewable Life Sentence. An Approach to a Dehumanized Criminal Law", by Laura Pascual Mantellán
4. "Abuses of Power and Violations of Human Rights by the Police Forces in the Spanish State. Start of 2014", by a member of the Pedro Álvarez Platform.
5. "Cannabis Social Clubs: Standardization, Neoliberalism, Political Opportunities and Prohibition", by David Pere Martínez Oró
6. "The Cult of Death on the Internet: New Spaciotemporal Horizons", by Antonia Castro Mateos
7. "Las vecindades vitorianas. Una experiencia histórica de comunidad preñada de futuro. EGIN AYLLU. Barcelona: Nuevos Emprendimientos Editoriales, 2014", by María Jesús Funes
8. "E.P. Thompson y La formación de la clase obrera en Inglaterra. Algunas claves para leer el presente", by Joan Quesada
Clivatge #2 (2013):
Some Key Advances and Setbacks Involving Social Change
Editors: María T. Bretones (UB), Jaime Pastor (UNED)
"Introducció", by María Trinidad Bretones, Jaime Pastor
1. "El moviment pel "decreixement". Una alternativa a la Crisi Sistèmica? Primers passos a França i Espanya", by Jaime Cantero Rodríguez
2. "La Plataforma d'Afectats per la Hipoteca. De la Crisi a la Estafa. Del Prozac al Empoderament", by Lluís Mangot
3. "Mobilització a la societat catalana: aparició i pervivència", by María del Carmen Líndez
4. "Les polítiques d'ocupació en el marc de les metamorfosis de la norma social del treball", by Carlos Prieto
5. "Participació de Futur. Vitamines participatives per a la crisi de representació", by Jaume López
6. "César Rendueles, 2013. Sociofobia. El Canvi Polític en l'Era de la Utopia Digital. CapitanSwing", by Lluís Mangot
7. "Una sociologia de la història de la immigració. Inimigració i ciutadans. llibre de S. Sassen, Siglo XXI", by María Trinidad Bretones
Clivatge #1 (2012):
Social Conflict at the Turn of the Millennium (1989-2011)
Editor: María T. Bretones (UB)
"Introducción", by Salvador Aguilar & María Trinidad Bretones
1. "La ruptura de 1989: El papel de las movilizaciones y la emigración masiva en la caída del régimen alemán oriental en 1989", by Antonio Hermosilla Canessa
2. "Después de la crisis del movimiento obrero: el conflicto social en la era de la globalización", by Salvador Aguilar
3. "Exit Ramp to Sustainability: the plenitude path", by Juliet Schor
4. "Ciberturbas, movimientos sociales y nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación", by Joaquín Fulleda
5. "Secció activisme DRJ. Testimonis del moviment dels indignats a Catalunya 2011. Dossier", by Pere Grané (coord.)
6. "Continuando un legado, construyendo una tradición", by Carlos Charry (University of Antioquia, Colombia & UB) on the book: María Jesús Funes (comp.) A propósito de Tilly. Conflicto, poder y acción colectiva. CIS, Madrid, 2011
7. "De límites y carencias. Refundando el pensamiento crítico actual", by José Tomás Atria (Columbia University, New York) on the book: Pedro Ibarra y Mercè Cortina (comp.), Recuperando la radicalidad. Un encuentro en torno al análisis político crítico. Editorial Hacer, Barcelona, 2011